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Find out what parents need to know about childcare in Texas

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Looking for Childcare?

A simple way to see on a map the nearest childcare facilities to you is on Find Childcare from Collaborative for Children.
Another way to find childcare near you through the Texas Child Care Connection site from the Texas Workforce Commission. Additional search features allow you to find providers who offer care during non-traditional hours, accept children of specific ages, and have current openings.

Do You Need Help Paying for Childcare?

If you can’t afford childcare; live in the Gulf Coast region; and work, job search, or go to school for a combined 25 hours a week, you may qualify for a scholarship for your child. Visit Workforce Solutions to learn more about Child Care Services (CCS) subsidies, also called scholarships, and complete your application for the waitlist.
Also check out the Parent Handbook from Workforce Solutions. This manual includes information you need as a parent to make the best choice of a childcare facility for your child and your requirements for receiving childcare financial aid.

Family Literacy  

Activities and strategies for extending children’s skills through family literacy activities can be found in the links below from Reading Rockets and the National Center for Families Learning.

Special Education Services

Children with special needs under three years old may qualify for Early Childhood Intervention (ECI). If your child receives services through this program, read through the Early Childhood Intervention Parent Handbook for more information on what the program means for you and your child.
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission also has a handbook for helping your child to make the transition out of ECI in its booklet, Beyond ECI: Next Steps for Your Child. You’ll find out about options for your child if they still need support services after their third birthday.
For a full overview of the Special Education services process in Texas, check out this guide from the Texas Education Agency.

Get Assistance Using KinderSmart or KinderSign for Your Child’s Check-in

All providers in Texas that accept CCS subsidies must take attendance using KinderSmart or KinderSign to provide the state with the most updated attendance for children.
If your child’s care provider uses this system, look through the following resources to become a pro at signing your child in and out with this electronic system. 


Find Out More About Texas Rising Star and Quality Childcare in Texas

Texas Rising Star is the state’s quality improvement plan for childcare providers. Participants in this program must meet minimum requirements that surpass the minimum standards set forth by Child Care Regulation (CCR).

By ensuring high-quality care for children, TRS puts even the youngest on the right path for learning. When you enroll your child into a high-quality childcare program, you give them the chance to get ahead in learning and skills and be better prepared to make the transition into kindergarten later.

All providers who accept CCS subsidies must participate in Texas Rising Star, so if you use one of these CCS scholarships to help pay for childcare, you can know that your child will receive high-quality care.

Visit the parents’ site of Texas Rising Star to find out more about what parents need to know about this childcare quality improvement program.

Want More Resources?
Early Childhood Texas

Texas’s top official resource for parents and families of young children is Early Childhood Texas which brings together information from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Texas Education Agency (TEA), Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and Texas Health and Human Services.
On this site, you’ll find links to parenting tips and child development information. Plus, you can learn more about state programs that may help you and your children. It is a good place to start if you want to find out more about available resources from the state.

Workforce Solutions

Whether you need to find out more about CCS scholarships for childcare, need help finding a job, or want to explore career options, check out Workforce Solutions for the Houston-Galveston Gulf Coast region.
This is the largest board of the Texas Workforce Commission and offers services to businesses and individuals who need a little help getting work. Anyone who lives in the 13 counties of this region can take advantage of the many free programs and services from Workforce Solutions.
The Workforce Solutions Early Education Quality Services website also has several resource links for parents to connect with services that provide scholarships, family activities, and help with finding childcare.

IDEA in Texas Manual

If you are a parent of a child with special needs, a must-read piece is the  IDEA in Texas manual from The Arc of Texas and Disability Rights Texas. This manual offers parents information on their rights and their child’s when it comes to education.
To help you find a qualified childcare provider, Child Care Services offers reimbursement rates to providers up to 190% regular rates. These higher rates to providers help them to make necessary accommodations to ensure that your child has quality care.