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Attract and Retain Talent
Find and Attract Talent
Do you need help creating an effective employment ad that will draw qualified applicants to you? Do you need exposure marketing and recruiting for your job openings from a diverse and abundant pool of job seekers? Let us help you create job postings that attract skilled and qualified job seekers. We have the largest pool of quality candidates in the State of Texas, and at any given time employers are posting between 3,000 to 6,000 open jobs in our system, Work In Texas.
Workforce Solutions can help you find qualified candidates who are trained and equipped with the right skills to fill your positions. We do that with:
- Staff dedicated to helping you,
- A network of multiple community based career offices in the Houston-Galveston area, and
- WorkInTexas.com - A statewide, online job-matching system
We strive to customize our service to your individual needs. We can spend as little or as much time as you decide to provide the service you want. Most of our service is offered at no cost to you. When the service may require a nominal charge, we will discuss it with you before we proceed. Our services can include:
- Recruiting, screening and referral to open positions (Basic Services)
- Testing for potential hires and current employees (Customized Services)
- Consulting on topics such as hiring/firing, Equal Opportunity/ADA, turnover analysis, salary and benefits, unemployment insurance, job skills analysis, staff development (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Outplacement Services
- Finding resources for training new and current employees
Train Talent to Fit Your Needs
Do you need to ensure that your employees are up to speed with the latest technology and platforms in your company? Do you need to enhance your employees' specialized knowledge and skills? Would you like to have highly effective employees who are problem solvers and results-oriented professionals? If you do we can help with you with your customized training needs!
On The Job Training
On-the-Job Training (OJT) offers participants an opportunity to earn as they learn, while employers benefit from a partial wage reimbursement during the training period.
Skills Development Fund
What Is It? The Skills Development Fund exists to help Texas employers build a better workforce to remain competitive in our volatile world market. The customized training it funds ensures that current employees upgrade their skills and new employees become proficient in industry skills.
How Does It Work? If you are a business, part of a business consortium or a trade union that has established an employee training need, you collaborate with a community college or public technical college to customize a training program to address those needs. A grant proposal is submitted to the Skills Development Fund and if accepted, the training is paid by the Fund. The college administers the grant. Training methods can be on-site, hands-on, simulation, classroom and online, or whatever combination best suits your business and your employees.
Where Do I Get More Information? For more information on the Skills Development Fund and any of our other services, please contact one of our Business Consultants at 713.688.6890 or email to jobs@wrksolutions.com.
Skills For Small Business
Skills for Small Business is a program designed to serve employers with fewer than 100 employees. Incumbent and newly-hired full-time employees choose training from the active course selections of community or technical colleges. The training can be for one or more courses and in any form: credit, continuing education, online or unpublished. Skills for Small Business pays the tuition and fees. We look forward to working with you! To contact one of our Business Consultants, please call us at 713.688.6890 or email to placementinfo@wrksolutions.com.