Early Childcare Expansion
Is centered on developing an inclusive and holistic ecosystem that will enable childcare providers, families, and employers to have greater awareness and enhanced access to high-quality early childcare services.
What We Do

About Early Childcare Expansion (ECE)
The vision for ECE aligns with House Bill 619 and the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Strategic Plan designed to improve the quality of the infant, toddler, preschool and school-age childcare workforce in Texas. All of our efforts and services will solely target our community within the Gulf Coast Region.

Early Childcare Provider Bootcamp
The Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) will collaborate with University of Houston- College of Education as well as with internal Workforce Board staff, to develop a plan to expand early childcare education opportunities in the Gulf Coast Region.

This plan will be implemented through a task-based approach:
Task One
Create a fast-track business accelerator program designed to connect participants with TWC's Childcare Provider Expansion entities and resources.
Task Two
Support the childcare industry through business training, development, and stabilization.
Task Three
Recruitment and program support for new providers.
Task Four
Fast track upskilling and other training opportunities.
Task Five
Childcare provider partnerships with employers or consortium of existing employers.
Task Six
Create a best practice playbook for early childcare expansion in the 13- county region.

Our Approach to Change
Through the examination of programs and services, it is our hope that gaps and areas of needed improvement will be identified and result in a long-term sustainable plan for lasting systemic change and system building.
Reduce obstacles that create barriers for consumers to access available programs that can be beneficial.
Provide a method of intentional outreach that makes consumers aware of the programs available and their benefits.
Create a pathway and pipeline to available programs, as well as streamlined processes that mitigate barriers and accessibility.
We want consumers to be positively impacted by the engagement and participation of the programs.