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Workforce Solutions Website - Legal Disclaimer
The Gulf Coast Workforce Board, and its operating affiliate, Workforce Solutions, provides information through this website as a public service. Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, we makes no warranties, expressed or implied, representations, or guarantees as to the completeness or currency of the content on this website. We assume no responsibility or liability for any errors and omissions in the information contained in the website or the operation of the website.
It is our policy that the personal identifying information collected though this website is used to the extent necessary to provide services to customers and that only the appropriate information is collected. Any personal identifying information collected is transferred through a secure encrypted tunnel and is stored in a secure system.
The Gulf Coast Workforce Board asserts its copyright on wrksolutions.com. Unless otherwise noted on an individual document, file, web page, or other website, we grant the permission to copy and distribute the information provided on this website for noncommercial and non-profit use, as long as the content remains unaltered and credit is given to the source. The Gulf Coast Workforce Board reserves all other rights under relevant copyright issues.