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Become A Vendor
Workforce Solutions solicits organizations to provide specific services for our customers or our system. We currently have open solicitations for the following:
We invite organizations or individuals interested in being an approved vendor for our currently open solicitations to submit applications.
Contact us at the email address or number below if you are an existing vendor or have questions about the application process.
Vendor Relations Coordinator
Workforce Solutions Financial Aid Payment Office
(713) 975-7409 option 5
Career Training
Career education and training programs provide customers with occupation-specific knowledge and skills. Programs vary from traditional instructor-led classes to synchronous e-learning courses. Programs must award a competency-based credential, such as a certificate or degree.
Examples of career education and training programs are Registered Nursing, Welding and Petroleum Engineering.
We will only approve career training programs that prepare customers for employment in occupations on the Workforce Solutions High-Skill, High-Growth Occupations List.
How to apply:
- Review the Vendor Network Standards & Guidelines for procedures on being added to our Training Provider Network.
- Complete the application by visiting the How to Apply section on Texas Workforce Commission's Eligible Training Providers website.
- Submit completed application to Workforce Solutions Financial Aid Payment Office.
If you are an existing vendor providing Career Training and would like to report a change, add a program, or submit renewal documentation, you may submit the request online.
Career Advancement Training
Career advancement training consists of short-duration workshops, seminars, or courses to help customers achieve industry-recognized certifications and/or enhance existing skills or knowledge in one of the region's High-Skill, High-Growth Occupations.
Career advancement training may include testing/assessment to demonstrate competency and training to allow an individual to transition existing skills from one occupation or industry to another.
Examples of career advancement training include SAP training, additional welding training such as MIG, TIG, Fluxcore, and Network + training. We will only approve career advancement training programs that build on existing skills for occupations on the Workforce Solutions High-Skill, High-Growth Occupations list.
How to apply:
- Review the Vendor Network Standards & Guidelines for procedures on being added to our Training Provider Network.
- Complete the application by visiting the How to Apply section on Texas Workforce Commission's Eligible Training Providers website.
- Submit completed application to Workorce Solutions Financial Aid Payment Office.
If you are an existing vendor providing Career Advancement training and would like to report a change, add a program, or submit renewal documentation, you may submit the request online.
Basic Skills
Basic skills are those skills that generally equip customers with the ability and understanding necessary to enter the workforce and be an active participant in work across a variety of occupations. We are looking for vendors who will provide:
- Computer skills training (programs that teach customers non-job specific computer skills, from introductory courses on how to use a computer to specific software products as the Microsoft Office Suite)
- Adult basic education (programs that teach people basic literacy, remedial education, GED preparation or teach them how to speak, read or write English)
- Job readiness skills training (These trainings focus on soft skills or non-technical skills that help employees learn how to interact and function in different work environments.)
- Courses may include an overview of the skills and behaviors necessary to be successful in any job or information about working in a specific industry but cannot teach occupation specific skills (how to do a job).
- For example, a job readiness skills course might provide customers with an overview of the construction industry and teach them basic safety training and terminology used in a variety of construction jobs. Courses may include instruction in problem-solving and other cognitive skills, oral communication skills, personal qualities and work ethics, and interpersonal and teamwork skills.
Approved job readiness skills programs will be added to our Training Provider Network and may be used when requested by employers in our region. We will not approve stand-alone job readiness courses that teach communication skills, problem-solving, teamwork, etc. Courses must be part of a larger, more comprehensive job readiness skills program. Additionally, we will not approve training that is provided free to the public or through one of the Workforce Solutions career offices, such as resume writing, networking, and interviewing skills.
How to apply:
- Review the Vendor Network Standards & Guidelines for procedures on being added to our Training Provider Network.
- Complete the application and submit along with supporting documentation to Workorce Solutions Financial Aid Payment Office.
If you are an existing vendor providing Basic Skills training and would like to report a change, add a program, or submit renewal documentation, you may submit the request online.
Work and Education Support
Work and Education Support vendors provide services that help customers obtain or maintain employment or attend a work-related education and training program. We are currently seeking vendors who provide the following services:
Financial Assistance - Transportation
We are looking for certified Public Transit Providers vendors to help customers attend classes that prepare them for work, look for work, and get to work. We may ask approved transportation service vendors to expand their own transportation services or arrange transportation services for customers through other local transportation providers. We are looking for transportation service vendors in our thirteen county region which includes Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Waller, Walker and Wharton counties.
How to apply:
- Review the Vendor Network Standards and Guidelines for becoming a work and education support service vendor.
- Complete the application and submit along with supporting documentation to Workorce Solutions Financial Aid Payment Office.
Foreign Language Translation and Interpreter Service
- Translation - We are looking for translation service vendors to help Workforce Solutions staff translate written documents into languages spoken by our customers.
- Interpretation - We are looking for interpretation service vendors to help customers communicate with Workforce Solutions staff. Service may be provided either by telephone or in person.
How to apply:
- Review the Vendor Network Standards and Guidelines for becoming a work and education support service vendor.
- Complete the application and submit along with supporting documentation to wfvendor@wrksolutions.com
Early Learning Providers
Workforce Solutions establishes payment arrangements with early learning providers throughout our 13-county region.
Parents receiving child care scholarships choose an early learning provider from our established list of providers to receive child care services for their children.
If you are interested in becoming a Child Care Services (CCS) Early Learning Provider with Workforce Solutions, you must participate in Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) quality rating and improvement system, Texas Rising Star.
Please complete the Texas Rising Star interest form HERE
Workforce Solutions staff will contact and assist you with completing the steps required to participate in our services to families.
Some commonly used provider forms are located on this page and can be filled out online, printed and sent to our Financial Aid Office. For many of these forms, the action can be completed through our Child Care provider Connection.
- Licensed and Registered Child Care Provider Application
- Relative Child Care Provider Application
- Child Care Provider Handbook (DOC) - 10/21
- Billing Inquiry Form (PDF)
- Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement (PDF)
- Refusal of Care (PDF)
- Manual Attendance Form - Regulated providers (PDF)
- Manual Attendance Form - Relative (PDF)
If you are an existing Child Care provider and would like to report a change, you may submit the request online by selecting the applicable form below:
Vendor Complaint Process
Complaints Against a Vendor
During orientations that inform customers, employees, contractors, vendors, partners, and/or the public of Workforce Solutions' service, staff will include a discussion of the right to file a complaint and the process to follow, including how to access the Workforce Solutions Complaint Form.
Customers may file complaints, at any time, about a Workforce Solutions education or training vendor. All complaints must be submitted in writing and, at a minimum, include the following information:
- The name of the vendor, physical and mailing address, telephone number
- The name of the educational program or service received from the vendor
- Contact information - phone number and mailing address - of the person filing the complaint
- A detailed description of the problem or issue; the reason for the complaint
Customers may mail or email correspondence to:
Complaint - Financial Aid Payment Office, P.O. Box 741361, Houston, Texas 77274-1361; or email wfvendor@wrksolutions.com with a subject line "Complaint."
Complaints from a Vendor
During orientations that inform customers, employees, contractors, vendors, partners, and/or the public of Workforce Solutions' service, staff will include information of the right to file a complaint and the process to follow.
Vendors may file complaints, for any reason, at any time regarding dissatisfaction with Workforce Solutions' service. Vendors include organizations and individuals approved in the Workforce Solutions Vendor Network, which include career education and training programs, career advancement training programs, basic still training programs, work and education support vendors, and child care vendors. We ask that all complaints be submitted in writing and, at a minimum, include the following information:
- The name of the vendor, physical and mailing address, telephone number
- The type of service provided (Training or Child Care)
- Name of the person filing the complaint, phone number and email or mailing address
- A detailed description of the problem or issue; date of occurrence; the reason for the complaint and individuals involved
Vendors may mail or email correspondence to:
Complaint - Financial Aid Payment Office, P.O. Box 741361, Houston, Texas 77274-1361; or email wfvendor@wrksolutions.com with a subject line "Complaint."
Appeals from a Vendor
A vendor may request a Board review (appeal) of the decision with the Board if they are not in agreement with the Financial Aid Payment Office following a complaint.
Vendors may request a Board Review within 14 days from the decision made regarding a determination.
We ask that all reviews be submitted in writing and, at a minimum, include the following information:
- The name of the vendor, physical and mailing address, telephone number
- The name of the contractor or service received
- Contact information - phone number and mailing address - of the person filing the complaint
- A detailed description of the reason for the review and individuals involved
Vendors may mail or email correspondence to: Appeals@wrksolutions.net or Appeals-Workforce Solutions, P.O. Box 22777, Houston, Texas 77227-2777, fax: 713-993-4578.