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Studies, Policies, and News on the State of the Childcare Industry

Organizations Promoting the Childcare Industry 

The following organizations work toward improving the quality and access of childcare or work to promote policies benefiting the industry and providers.  

  • BUILD Initiative: A national-level organization seeking to boost the quality of early childhood education across the country. 

  • Texas Policy Lab Early Childhood Project: The Texas Policy Lab is an initiative from the Rice University School of Social Sciences to support local and state agencies working to improve the outcome of early childhood education from birth through three years of age. 

  • Children at Risk: This Houston-based advocacy group promotes the welfare of children across a variety of areas. The organization conducts research and makes policy recommendations based on the collected data. This is a good source for research and information on conditions faced by Texas children and their families.  

  • National Institute of Early Education Research (NIEER): NIEER conducts in-depth research on a national scale to gain more insights into the state of early childhood education and to advocate for policies to improve it. Search the site for reports, data, and policy updates in the United States.  

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC): The NAEYC is a national childcare accrediting organization. Texas providers may be members of the state’s TXAEYC, Texas Assocation for the Education of Young Children, which also offers professional development and support for members. This site offers a wealth of resources for everyone, including tips for childcare providers on a myriad of topics from family engagement to dual language learners.  

  • Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC): This national organization supports families that have children who are at risk for or have developmental disabilities or delays. Members may access Communities of Practice (CoP), which are groups within the DEC that bring together professionals and parents. The DEC also uses the latest research data to produce its evidence-based recommended practices for those in the field of early childhood special education or intervention.  

  • National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC): This program is national advocacy and accreditation group focused on promoting quality childcare through home-based (family) childcare programs. Their public policy page outlines the organizations views on various policies that impact the home-based side of the childcare sector with ways to take action and access resources and research on family child care.