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The Shape of Things Poem


Read "The Shape of Things" poem, or have a family member or friend read it to you. You can draw pictures to go along with the words to help create a picture poem! You can also circle important words that go along with the main idea of the poem, such as the shape names that you hear. Enjoy!  

The Shape of Things 

A poem by Meish Goldish 

What is a circle? What is round? 

A quarter rolling on the ground. 

A wheel is a circle, so is the moon. 

A bottle cap, or a big balloon. 


What is a square, with sides the same? 

The wooden board for a checker game. 

A slice of cheese, a TV screen. 

A table napkin to keep you clean. 


What is a rectangle, straight or tall? 

The door that stands within your wall. 

A dollar bill, a loaf of bread. 

The mattress lying on your bed. 


What is a triangle, with sides of three? 

A piece of pie for you and me. 

A musical triangle, ding, ding, ding. 

A slice of pizza with everything! 


These are the shapes seen everywhere: 

A triangle, rectangle, circle, square. 

If you look closely where you’ve been, 

You’ll surely see the shapes you’re in! 

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