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Choice Board Activities

  • A choice board is a collection of tasks or activities presented in a visual format that invites students to take ownership of their learning.

  • You can present children with choices in terms of literacy strategies to explore.

  • The choices can be presented in word or picture form.

  • You can choose to explore several items from the choice board together.

  • You can choose different choice board items for each read-aloud!

Point out the author and illustrator.

Read about them on the back flap.


Read the title.

Make a prediction about what the book might be about.


Do a picture walk.

Pause and discuss what captures your interest. Explain why you found it interesting!


Research the author and illustrator online.

Do they have a website or video to explore?

  Make a text-to-self connection (connection between the book and your own experiences).   Make a text-to-text connection (connection between the book and another book, or
text- environmental print, recipe, magazine, comic book, etc).

Discuss a vocabulary word that you want to explore as you read. How might
you use this word in real-life?

Ask “what do you notice?” when you come to an interesting illustration or picture. This is visual literacy! Would you like to spend the day with
this character?
Explain why with a specific detail.

Create an art project to go along with the story.


Create a game (with instructions and materials) to go along with book.


Create an interactive vocabulary activity (such as a vocabulary cartoon)
to go along with book.


Write a letter to a character in the book.

  Write a poem inspired by a character in the book.   Create a vocabulary cartoon.
Design a statement or question
that uses the vocabulary word in real life
and illustrates the situation.

Consider researching a related
field trip - or going on
a virtual online tour - that you
are inspired to take after reading the book.

Write a journal entry from a character's perspective in the book.

Include a picture to go along with your journal entry.

Act out a key scene from the book!

Be creative and have fun.

Include scenery by drawing it on construction paper as a background.