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- Short Term Introductory Courses
- Workforce Solutions Temporary Job Opportunities
- Workforce Solutions Recovery Information (For Employers)
- Workforce Solutions Locations
- Workforce Solutions Services
- After the Storm Resource Guide
- FEMA Disaster Recovery Center Facts
- FEMA Individual and Households Program Facts
Hurricane Harvey Recovery Updates
Hurricane Harvey: Looking Forward, Looking Ahead
Temporary Jobs
If you lost your job due to Hurricane Harvey, or if you have been unemployed for 10 weeks or more, immediate opportunities are available now. Workforce Solutions is seeking eligible job candidates to perform temporary clean-up and recovery efforts such as demolition, repair, renovation, inspection and reconstruction of local public structures and facilities affected by Hurricane Harvey. Other opportunities include case management and direct customer support to families in need. Jobs can last up to a year and pay competitive wages.
For more information about available temporary jobs, visit your local office.
Referral to Jobs
Workforce Solutions Career offices are equipped to help you rebound from Hurricane Harvey and get back to work. Each week we feature many Gulf Coast jobs available to area residents. To apply for any of our job opportunities, register online or visit your local Workforce Solutions office and speak to a representative.
Training Opportunities
Workforce Solutions offers training opportunities to update your skills to begin a new career or advance your present career. Workforce Solutions can help you determine what you want to study, how to pay for it and where you might go for assistance.
Training opportunities available to you are: Basic Skills, Career Training, and Career Advancement Training.
Short-Term Introductory Construction Trade Courses:
In partnership with colleges across the region, Workforce Solutions is offering short-term introductory training opportunities to help meet the post-Harvey construction shortages in the Gulf Coast region.
These short-term, fast-paced opportunities provide an easy way to onboard your career in electrical, plumbing, welding, HVAC Installation, and pipefitting, only to name a few, while learning basic construction skills needed to jumpstart your career in the craft trades.
Basic Skills
Basic Skills Training includes adult education classes, parenting classes, English as a Second Language instruction, job readiness and general computer literacy training (ex: Microsoft Office Products). There are many organizations in this region that are approved to provide these basic skills courses to you. Our career office staff can help you find one.
Career Training
We support training for high-skill, high-growth occupations.
We also offer many short term introductory construction trade courses in minor rehab construction. The courses provide short-term, fast paced opportunities that could help launch a new career for you. Local community colleges are currently offering introductory courses in dry-walling, plumbing, welding and HVAC installation at multiple campus locations throughout the Gulf Coast region. Please talk with a representative at your local career office for more information.
Career Advancement Training
Workforce Solutions can also assist you gain additional skills and/or advance within your occupation through Career Advancement Training. Examples of Career Advancement Training include SAP training, additional welding training (MIG, TIG, Flux core, etc.), and Network + training. Visit your local career office for more information.
Other Needs
If you need shelter, clothing, child care, healthcare, transportation, or other services, please visit https://www.unitedwayhouston.org/our-211-helpline or dial 2-1-1.
FEMA & SBA Disaster Assistance
If your business was impacted by Hurricane Harvey, you may qualify for a loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). You can apply online at https://www.sba.gov/disaster-assistance/hurricane-harvey or in person at a local FEMA Disaster Recovery Center. A FEMA inspection is required to become eligible for the SBA loan program. Loans up to $2,000,000 are available to make repairs.
The Shared Work Program provides Texas employers with an alternative to layoffs. TWC developed this voluntary program to help Texas employers and employees withstand a slowdown in business.
Shared Work unemployment benefits are payable to employees who qualify for and participate in an approved Shared Work Plan. Employees who qualify will receive both wages and Shared Work unemployment benefits.
These unemployment benefits will affect your employer tax rate in the same way as other benefit chargebacks.
For more information, please visit http://www.twc.state.tx.us/businesses/shared-work.
Partnering with Workforce Solutions for Recruiting & Hiring
If your business needs to fill open jobs, Workforce Solutions can recruit and screen prospective candidates for you at no cost. Employers may also post jobs directly at www.WorkInTexas.com.
As part of a custom talent development strategy, Workforce Solutions may be able to supplement training costs to onboard eligible new workers or upgrade the skills of your existing workforce.
For more information, please contact Employer Service at 713.688.6890.
Additional Information
If you have questions or need information about the following topics:
- Labor Laws
- Labor Market Information
- Employer Tax Credits
- Contact information for your local Chamber of Commerce
Please visit www.wrksolutions.com/for-employers or call the Workforce Solutions Employer Service at 713.688.6890.