Radiologic Technologists
Scanning...We See Radiologic Technology in Your Potential Future
Have you ever had an x-ray? Then you've probably met a radiologic technologist. Radiologic services, often called imaging services, employ radiologic technologists who perform imaging tests to assist in diagnosing patients. Some radiologic technologists specialize in computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). While most are employed in hospitals, jobs are also available in many specialties and settings. The health industry has been trying to overcome a severe shortage of radiologic technologists for a number of years as the need for medical imaging procedures has increased.
The Gulf Coast Region needs to train 385 Radiologic Technologists each year from 2018 to 2028 to keep up with demand!

Salaries for Radiologic Technicians start off at more than $10,000 per year above the median for all occupations and rise to around $33,000 more for the highly experienced!

Is being a Radiologic Technologist right for you?*
These skills, interests, and knowledge areas are recommended for a career in radiologic technology. The following data describes the relative importance of each knowledge/skill area from the opinion of those in the industry.
Customer & Personal Service
Meeting the expected quality of customer satisfaction when interacting with customer and potential customers.
Everything surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of human injuries and ailments, including symptoms, treatment alternatives, drug properties and interactions, and preventive health-care measures
Problem Comprehension & Sensitivity
The ability to evaluate a potential or occurring problem to find its source, causation, and potential solution.
*Source: Texas Career Check.
Plan Early for a Career as a Radiologic Technologist
High School Endorsement: Public Service | STEM
Radiological technology occupations usually require completion of a two-year associate degree program. Formal training programs do, however, range in length from 1 to 4 years and lead to a certificate, an associate degree, or a bachelor's degree. Training programs can be found at:
- Community Colleges
- Universities
- Vocational-Technical Institutes
- In some instances, training is available in hospital-sponsored programs
In addition to training completion, employers generally require job candidates to be certified by the American Registry of Radiological Technologists for specialty imaging procedures (e.g. sonography, mammography, or densitometry). To be eligible for certification, technologists must graduate from an accredited program and pass an examination. In addition, candidates are generally required to be licensed or eligible for license by the State of Texas Department of Health.
Helpful Skills to Get to Know
- Medical Software: Medical procedure coding software, MEDITECH software, or CT imaging software
- Database Interface and Query Software
Where do you go from here?

With experience and additional training, candidates may become specialized, branch into other related occupations or move up into management positions:
- CT Scanning Specialist
- Angiography
- Mammography Specialist
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Supervisor
- Chief Radiologic Technologist
Gulf Coast Region Radiologic Technologist Programs
Community Colleges
Health-Related Institutions
Major Employers in the Gulf Coast Region
If you have questions about our Industry/Occupation Profiles or are an organization in the Gulf Coast Region, please contact
*Includes the following counties: Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Walker, Waller, and Wharton.
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