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The Power of Customization: Maximizing On the Job Training

Factory Workers

Factory WorkersOne size doesn’t fit all when it comes to employee onboarding and training. Production and manufacturing employees need an entirely different set of skills than customer support or hospitality employees. However, there is one training approach that can be adapted to any industry: On the Job Training (OJT). Unlike traditional training programs, OJT offers a few distinct advantages, including the power of customization. Here’s how you can leverage the power of OJT at your company.

Company Culture Alignment

Every company has its own culture and values, and standard training programs don’t always align with the nuances of company culture. OJT, on the other hand, seamlessly integrates with teams and day-to-day activities. From establishing teamwork, to encouraging innovation and safety while teaching a job-specific skill, OJT allows the company’s core values to be expressed and experienced during training. By reinforcing company culture, OJT brings new hires into the fold and helps them feel like part of the team from day one.

Adapting to Industry-specific Needs

Different industries have distinct requirements and challenges. What works in one sector won’t be relevant in another. OJT caters to these industry-specific needs. It enables companies to design training that directly addresses the demands of their field. Whether it’s mastering specific machinery, adhering to industry regulations, or developing specialized expertise, OJT provides targeted, relevant, and effective training that gives new hires the tools for success in their new roles.

Better Employee Engagement

One of the key advantages of OJT is having access to dedicated employee coaching. Your partnership with Workforce Solutions includes structured OJT coaches that will reach out to new hires for formal check-ins at 30-, 60- and 90-days, plus they’re available whenever a new hire has questions or challenges. Employers can also reach out to their coaches to provide feedback and help new hires stay on track. This personalized service helps employees stay engaged through onboarding and training, and it also provides an additional layer of support to employers during the critical first months of a new hire’s career.

Achieving Company Goals

How often are strategic objectives met in your company? Chances are the company’s goals don’t always filter down to frontline workers. OJT can help solve this problem. Whether it’s improving customer service, increasing safety standards, or enhancing product quality, OJT can be structured to drive specific outcomes tied to organizational goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). Linking training and business objectives helps you measure key performance indicators while helping new hires understand their role in company success.

Workforce Solutions consultants can help you build the right OJT program for your company. Contact or call 713-688-6890 to get started.

Factory Workers