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Tips for Effective Engagement: How to Interact with Job Fair Attendees
You’ve arrived at a job fair, set up the company booth, and placed a fresh stack of flyers and business cards on the table. As the doors open and job fair attendees stroll in, how do you make the most of this opportunity to connect? Here are tips to help you interact with candidates and get the most out of your company’s job fair experience.
Attract Them from Afar
Are you making good use of your booth? Did you bring brochures and materials related to your company that attendees can approach and review? Your booth is your stage, and it can help drive attendee engagement. Even if you don’t have the budget for elaborate backdrops or interactive video displays (although, if you do have those things, even better!), you can still use your space effectively.
- Stand up, if physically possible. Standing and engaging with people as they pass by demonstrates your interest in them and the event.
- Smile and make eye contact when people are looking at the booth. This might be their first job fair and seeing a friendly face can put them at ease. Even if they’re not a great fit for your company, it leaves a good impression in their mind. You never know if that person will be a great fit in the future.
- Consider playing interactive games at your booth!
- Most importantly: Stash your phone under the table or in your bag, so people feel comfortable approaching and asking questions.
Prepare Conversation Starters
Job fairs can be intimidating for attendees, especially if they’re new to the workforce or introverts. To reach nervous or intimidated candidates, conversation starters get the ball rolling and help pull them from their shells. Ask open-ended questions that encourage the person to share their ideas. Here are a few examples to get you started:
- “What inspired you to think about a career in [your industry]?” – This can help you understand their aspirations and ultimate career goals.
- “What brought you to the job fair today? Are you exploring new opportunities or looking to advance in a certain role?” – This helps gauge whether the person is actively looking and what type of role they’re looking for.
- “Have you had a chance to explore many company booths? What has caught your eye so far?” – This can help you narrow down their interest and how it may fit with your company.
- “What are you looking for in your next role? Any skills you’d like to use more or develop?” – This is a good way to gauge whether the company can support their goals.
Have Answers
The first contact you’ll likely have with attendees is when they walk up and ask a question. They might ask about the company or a specific type of job. Provide answers in an open, friendly way that invites them to engage in a conversation.
- Have a quick company description memorized in case they ask what the company does.
- Know what positions are open, so you can determine if their skills fit.
- Have a few open-ended questions prepared if they seem like a good candidate for one of the open jobs.
If you don’t know the answer to a candidate’s question, invite them to leave their email address or phone number and ask a team member for the answer. Reply to the candidate within 24–48 hours, if possible.
Create Impactful Conversations
Some attendees will be excited and motivated. Others may seem like a great fit for the company right off the bat. Engage these potential candidates further. Instead of asking yes-or-no questions, encourage them to share more about their qualifications and career aspirations. This approach allows for deeper and more impactful conversations—here’s where you can use those open-ended questions! Consider asking:
- What kind of training have you done?
- Is there an area of the industry that most interests you?
- What excites you about the future of the industry?
Each of these questions can start a deeper conversation about the kind of work they’re looking for and whether they’re a good fit for the company.
Tailor Your Approach
One of the great things about job fairs is they attract a wide range of people. You might meet with new graduates, experienced tradespeople, and everything in between. Tailor your communications and approach to the individual you’re speaking with. For example, you might talk about company culture and exciting career growth with a young person just entering the job market. A mid-career employee might be more interested in talking about benefits or paid time off (PTO). Each attendee will have their own reason for being there and unique career goals, so meet them where they are and engage in conversations about what interests them.
Effective engagement with job fair attendees can improve recruitment efforts and lead to better hires in the long run. Workforce Solutions hosts community hiring events across Houston frequently. To put your skills to use, visit the events calendar and sign up for a job fair. Contact jobs@wrksolutions.com or 713-688-6890 to sign up!