Young Adult Service Elements
Discover the exciting and helpful resources and activities Workforce Solutions offers to 14 to 24 year olds in our region!

Services We Provide:
We conduct intakes, determine eligibility, and develop objective assessments to create a customized strategy for each recipient, ages 14 to 24. Allowing us to provide access to the following 14 program services:
- Tutoring, study skills, and dropout prevention
- Alternative secondary school services, or dropout recovery services
- Paid and unpaid work experience
- Occupational skills training
- Leadership development
- Supportive services (transportation, child care, work uniforms, tools, etc.)
- Adult mentoring
- Follow-up services
- Comprehensive guidance and counseling, drug and alcohol abuse counseling, mental health counseling
- Education offered concurrently with and in the area context as workforce preparation activities and training
- Financial literacy education
- Labor market information including high-skill, high growth jobs
- Assistance for post-secondary education and training opportunities (college and certification programs)
- Entrepreneurial skills training

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Young Adult Services