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On-the-Job Training – Your Key Advantage to Attract and Retain Hourly Workers

Photo of workers in hard hats

Photo of workers in hard hatsThe Need for OJT has Never Been Greater

With the current labor market continuing to favor prospective job candidates, employers are struggling to fill positions as applicants look for more competitive wages and benefits. Additionally, rapid technology changes and the advancement of automation in the workplace necessitate that employers confront the need to reskill and upskill talent. For employers of hourly workers, this can be particularly difficult. Enter On-the-Job Training – a powerful tool for employers struggling to recruit amidst these challenges. Recruiting and training a revolving door of new hires can be expensive and this simple, effective and free service can be a lifesaver for businesses.

What is On-the-Job Training?

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a program for employers that are willing to provide training for employees of the organization. While predominately known for offering employers wage reimbursement, OJT can benefit both employers and employees in a number of ways. Workforce Solutions helps employers create custom OJT programs that can include specialized recruiters who provide eligible prospective candidates, training program support, partial wage reimbursement, coaching for employee participants and hands-on HR consulting. These programs typically last anywhere from 30 to 90 days. OJT programs tend to focus on jobs that involve new technologies, production, services or additional skills for full-time positions (at least 30 hours per week) paying at least $12.00 per hour. Employers can use OJT for a single candidate or work with any number of participants; and can utilize the program as they continue to hire new employees.

When Might You Consider OJT?

With a variety of new skills required for today’s jobs and the need to quickly fill open positions, many employers are realizing a need to reskill incoming candidates to meet the demands of jobs they need filled. OJT is a great way to do just that and can help also mitigate some of the risks involved with onboarding new employees. These programs can serve as a trial period that helps gauge the fit of the new hire and make sure they are properly onboarded. With most new employees making decisions to stay within their first 30 days, OJT can ensure new hires have good experience and help employers achieve higher retention rates.

Who is OJT For?

Generally speaking, if you are willing to train a new hire, then these programs could be a good fit. OJT can be leveraged as part of an employer’s recruiting system to help upskill current workers, to fill current openings or to build a pipeline of trained individuals. However, it’s not a quick fix to fill gaps in labor shortage. Rather, the program is best suited for employers who are committed to ensuring they have properly trained, well-suited employees. While OJT can be useful in many industries, it can be particularly beneficial in production, manufacturing, and hospitality.

How You Can Benefit from OJT

HR Consultancy
A dedicated business consultant will guide an employer through the OJT process, preparing them with everything from filling out (minimal) required paperwork to knowing what to expect from start to finish. Consultants also listen to identify other ways they can help with recruiting strategy or to support staffing needs and goals. On-the-Job Training is just one tool in Workforce Solutions’ recruiting and talent development toolbox. For instance, in some cases, it might make sense for employers to leverage an apprenticeship program after On-the-Job Training.

Candidate Search & Placement
Whether you need to fill roles quickly or are struggling to find candidates with the specific skills you require, On-the-Job Training provides you with a dedicated recruiter who will source qualified candidates – sometimes in a matter of days. Candidates often come from downsized companies, were recently laid off, are students, or are experienced workers looking to enter a different line of work. More than likely they will not have direct experience in the specific role or industry you are seeking, which can bring new, fresh talent and offer support to ensure their success.

Partial Wage Reimbursement
OJT programs enable you to receive partial wage reimbursement while you give employees the opportunity to earn as they learn. Employers can receive up to 50% wage reimbursement for up to 10 weeks (or 400 hours). The average reimbursement employers receive is $3,000.

Training Plan Development
Proper training of new hires is critical for success of both employers and employees. This is especially true for new hires coming from different industries or skillsets, or who are straight out of school. A dedicated talent coach can help build a training program if none exists or can review existing ones to offer ways to build upon it. Training is customized so employers can instruct individuals in their exact processes and procedures.

Employee Coaching
Employers have cited that one of the more surprising and rewarding features of the program is a dedicated coach for the new hire. The coach guides the employee through the onboarding process, provides feedback, and offers areas for development based on input from the employer. By helping employees navigate the new environment, they are more likely to excel at their new role, have a better experience, and desire to stay onboard after the program. Although there are formal 30-, 60- and 90-day check-ins, the coach is available for the employee – or employer – at any time.

Support the Local Community
OJT is a wonderful way to support the local community by helping students who can work full-time positions and working professionals get experience and career counseling that can lead to stable jobs. When more people are working in jobs they love and excel at, our economy can thrive and lift up all those around us.

To determine if Workforce Solutions’ On-the-Job Training program is a fit for your company, please complete the form below and one of our Business Consultants will contact you.

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Photo of workers in hard hats