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A Letter from Susan Dixon, Employer Service Manager

Photo of Susan Dixon


Photo of Susan DixonI'm Susan Dixon, manager of the Employer Service Manager. I’d like to welcome you to Workforce Solutions’ inaugural newsletter! We are excited to provide you with useful resources, intelligence and tools that help you navigate the local market and build your workforce. In these quarterly newsletters, we will share economic updates, insights on the future of work, and other topics and information relevant to our region’s business landscape.

As we enter the third year of the pandemic, we realize this landscape has seen dramatic shifts and remains uncertain. With the “Great Resignation,” low unemployment rates, work from home and hybrid environments, employers are being challenged to find new ways to attract and retain talent.

Companies across all industries are experiencing the impact of the Great Resignation, where employees are leaving their jobs at record rates. Reasons cited run the gamut from burnout to higher pay elsewhere to a desire for better work/life balance to seeking a career change. Employers are responding by increasing pay and improving benefits to attract new hires and keep current employees. Other ways to help keep your talent pool thriving can be read here.

I hope this newsletter serves as a source of inspiration, insight, and local market expertise and that it supports you in building and growing your workforce as we navigate the future together. If you find what we have shared here helpful, we would love for you to pass it along to someone else you think might benefit from receiving our newsletter.

Until next time,

Susan Dixon Signature

Susan Dixon

Photo of Susan Dixon